Thursday, May 3, 2012

Agak2 La Kalau Nak Menipu Pun....

Promotional Manager
HSBC Bank plc
8 Canada Square London,E14 5HQ
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7991 8888
Hotline: +447024013366

Attn:Email User,

Kindly confirm and get back to us as soon as possible.
We received a confirmation email from MR Effendy Haripen that your email address which won you a prize in our 2012 Global Uplift Program Organized by
MYMESRA PETRONAS AND HSBC BANK LONDON was his alternative email.

The Runner Up Winners list has been released and all Winners will receive sms comfirmation and handling of there Winning Package.
Runner Up Winners can check there names on mymesra website:

Your First Batch Winning package contains:

1. MESRA Visa Credit Card Valued (250,000 Malaysia Ringgit) Issued by HSBC BANK.
2. HSBC BANK Winning Certificate.
3. HSBC Rumble Kit.

We are pleased to inform you that Mr Effendy is in the process of providing us with delivery details and informations to enable us process and get Your Winning Package
delivere to his location in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.

Meanwhile we are in the final process of programing his details on our computing database of First Batch winners list,to be published and send to Petronas Malaysia
and also we will be crediting the amount of RM250,000.00 to Visa Credit Card along with other package.

On a matter of urgency and final clearification we are sending you an email to confirm truly the email is Mr Effendi Alternative email address before we proceed on the information
he provided.

Your are to contact your Regional representative immediately for further Enquiries or any changes in Processing of your Winning Package.

Mr Bridge Christian
Hotline: +447024013366
Office Phone:+44-7031892531
Fax: +44-7031892222 .

Please quote this Winning codes (CODE :HSBC/CBN3124-FILE111-MY) when contact representative in your region.

sudah2 la menipu....dah ramai dah yng celik IT sekarang ni...


  1. biasa dpt gini..
    boring dah..
    klu nak, bagi lah betul2 kan..

  2. aku tetiap hari dpt email mcm ni nok...sekali masuk byk lak tu...nyampah...malas nak layan, delete terus...selalu email mcm ni masuk spam...

  3. makin canggih dunia ni. makin x selamat pulak. mcm ni punyer org pun ada. aduiiiii...

    pssssstttt...tq dtg jengok blog kina. jgn tak try taw murtabak tu. sedapppp..

  4. Itupun masih ada yang percaya kan SA.. huhuhu..


Heyy Gojes..Any Comment????
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