Friday, January 5, 2018

Reason Why Should You Invest In Melaka

With three hotspots for property investment - Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bahru, Malaysia is generally a great country to invest in properties. Recently, with so many lands for sale in Melaka, Melaka is getting more popular when it comes to property investment. Melaka is given the status World Heritage City in 2008.

Melaka is also well known for its tourism sector. Due to the strategic location, most people will visit Melaka for the historical buildings and also the food such as Chicken Rice Balls, Satay Celup and so on. This article will guide you through the reasons why you should invest in Melaka.

1. Property’s potential growth

2. Increase tourism traffic

3. Upcoming infrastructure

In conclusion, Melaka is not too bad a place for property investment. You can definitely consider investing in Melaka as it is going to develop continuously and will definitely bring promising profit to you. 


  1. Good sharing SA.. Kak Sue suka Melaka.. ehehe..

  2. Mak bapa saya ada 1 rumah teres di Melaka. Betul-betul berdekatan dengan Bayou LAgoon. Tak sangaka market situ naik mendadak

  3. betul kak.. hartanah di melaka makin meningkat naik..

  4. Betul Cici selalu rasa Melaka ni tempat yang sesuai nak buat investment. Dulu time kerja hotel , pernahlah berangan nak ada hotel bajet sendiri kat Melaka. mesti laku keras. hehehe

  5. So far harga rumah di melaka still reasonable lagi

  6. Buat rumah tumpangan kat area Melaka, memang good investment.....
    saya dulu belajar kat lah sewa rumah kat sana....jenjalan snaa..memang best oi..hahaa

  7. Sy pernah tinggal kt melaka. Best sgt. Lgpun kalo sesat skjpje jumpa blk srbab kecik kan. Masih berkira2 nak beli rumah kat melaka.

  8. melaka memang tak rugi kalau invest memang macam2 ada di situ..

  9. Love melaka. Masa study sana puas berjalan.hehe. pergi banyak kali pon tak pernah bosan. Anyway, kawan ramai beli rumah kat melaka even duduk di Muar, sebab katanya murah. So good investment masa akan datang.

  10. TB pernah ke melaka masa umur 18 macam tu.. Lepas tu TB tak pernah pergi dah.. tak tau la bila nak pi Melaka lagi lepas ni

  11. last ke melaka masa umo 25 3 tahun dulu.. kat sana cantik... klu g sana rasa nk tangkap gambar memanjang...

  12. sure ! Besides Malacca is famous with its history and already in the UNESCO Heritage Place list. So harga tanah memang akan sentiasa meningkat. Tapi cuma tulah, jalan jammed.

  13. Kalau ada duit lbh atau duit terpijak boleh lah buat investment..tapi wet wet tak adooo...hehehe

  14. Yep.. I have been interested to invest in Melaka since 8 years ago.. Too bad I am not financially capable of doing so

  15. waa.. bestnya Melaka !! rindu nak jenjalan kat sana.. hee~ walaupun dah pergi banyak kali, masih belum puas..

  16. Berbaloi invest di Melaka. Sebab kawasan bersejarah tarikan pelancong dalam dan luar negara.

  17. melaka banyak properti bisa untuk invetasi

  18. Melaka negeri pelancongan, untung banyak ni

  19. Kak memang orang Melaka selalu balik Melaka, banyak tempat2 menarik di Melaka tau...

  20. haha now property oversupply, it's a buyer's market!

  21. Melaka pesat membangun. Hehe ramai orang suka bercuti kat melaka

  22. i think melaka really a good investment location as it is tourist spot and Unesco Heritage Place

  23. Melaka is a good place to do an investment - tons of tourist spots and many people head over there for quick trips as well.

  24. Expecting the new coming up project @Melaka Gateway....

  25. melaka ni skang, alhamdulillah. dah membangun.
    aida membesar di melaka, now berumahtangga di melaka perhatikan memang byk berubah melaka ni.
    rumah aida ni. after 10 thn, nilai da 2.5 kali ganda tau, SA.
    tapi sayang nak jual hi hi hi...
    later, if pindah ke rumah kedua, rumah ni aida nak jadik kan homestay :)
    luar nampak biasa tapi dlm mcm hotel. in shaa Allah.

  26. Dah lamaaaa tak balik Melaka.. :(


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