Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Lama aku menghilangkan diri ..muncul2 jer ngan citer kontroversi si Fasha Sandha tu..alahai...kontroversi ker???yer la kot...

yang menambahkan kontrobersi dalam hidup aku ni....semalam sepatutnya aku ada training utk 2 hari...tp last minute aku kena panggil balik opis..ada urgent...kacau la..dah la training tu for my KPI needs this year..
too many thing to settle...too many thing to do..too many thing to think...
aku dan staff Green Technology Initiative ni bakal kehilangan...kehilangan yang sangat besar buat kami...
dimana everything need to start from zero...our beloved boss leaving us for his own good and for a better life of course..he has been nominated to lead a new project in Bahrain, everyone shocked..everyone in a moody mood especially me...2 years we have been together to build this department...bak kata orang melayu...susah senang kami bersama ...ewah..but..what to do..he has made the decision to accept the challenge..hw will bring the whole family there...
so...what about a new boss??
of course ada replacement...but dont know the official date when he is coming to lead us..
bila bertanya tentang emosi aku...as a secretary of coz its a bit challenging for me...from the current boss to a new boss..of course too many different...too many thing to grab
to many thing to do..too many feeling rite now..
But i wish...
wish everything goes well like the first time i'm handling my current boss...


  1. Who knows...maybe ur new boss better than the current one? Pray for that :)

  2. InsyaAllah, yang patah akan tumbuh dan yang hilang akan berganti. Doakanlah agar pengganti itu lebih baik dari yang pergi. :)

  3. hidup ni penuh cobaan & dugaan, hadapinya dgn tenang... insyallah semuanya berjalan lancar

  4. biasalah kerja..
    tukar2 bos tu biasa..
    yg penting kena pndai sesuaikan diri..

  5. Mula2 je rasa lain, lelama nanti biasa dah.. ;)


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